Apple cider vinegar diet – lose weight, strong immune system & healthier skin

Apple cider vinegar – a true miracle cure. Whether for the body and the immune system or for external use, for example as an organic shampoo. It can also be used for cooking or even for cleaning in the household. Here you will learn how you can boost your metabolism and lose weight with a simple habit, in a healthy way for which your body will be very grateful.

How the diet works – The cider vinegar plan

If you decide on the apple vinegar diet, you cannot expect to reach your target weight within a short time with a few glasses of apple vinegar. A change in diet is required. The plan is to eat 3 meals in the optimal case. No more and no less. Apple cider vinegar should be taken and allowed to take effect about 15 minutes before each meal. Due to the positive effects, this time also inhibits the feeling of hunger and above all: the ravenous hunger! The entire diet should be changed to as much fruit and vegetables as possible. If you find this difficult at the beginning, you can get creative and drink smoothies, for example, in which you can also mix apple cider vinegar.

The cider vinegar dosage – How many times a day?

Another good habit of this diet is to drink water regularly. Many people underestimate this habit, but this routine forces you to think about the big glass of water more often during the day. The best method for this diet is to pour a glass of lukewarm water 3 times a day and add a teaspoon of apple vinegar. If you don’t want the taste 3 times a day, you can also just have a glass of water with 2 teaspoons of cider vinegar early before breakfast and in the evening before dinner.

Top 5 advantages of the diet – beautiful skin & slim figure

  1. Better digestion – The pectins contained in vinegar have a positive effect on digestion
  2. Cleaning of the intestines – The vinegar supports the activity of the intestines and the pancreas
  3. Even skin texture – The ph value of the skin is positively influenced by apple vinegar. Through internal as well as external application.
  4. Better respiration – Acidic elements in apple cider vinegar fight bacteria, which are often the cause of poor respiration.
  5. Stronger immune system – The acid contained has an antiviral effect, perfect for preventing colds. It also cleanses the lymph nodes, which can have a positive effect on allergies.

Main questions at a glance

Whoever starts a new diet, or is only interested in it, has many questions. And this is just as well, because after all you change something of what you put into your body and the body is the temple of all energy. For whom the cider vinegar diet comes into question, here are the most frequently asked questions at a glance to get a more accurate picture of the diet.

Which cider vinegar do I need to lose weight?

Cider vinegar is available in every supermarket and drugstore. Different shops have different sub-brands, but the cider vinegar is basically always the same. Thus, those who would like to shop in the organic shop can do so. Otherwise you can also look for a cheaper alternative.

How do I lose weight with apple cider vinegar?

2 times a day 2 teaspoons of cider vinegar helps significantly with weight loss. The vinegar supports the fat burning and thus leads to weight loss. In addition, it reduces cravings, which makes the entire diet more conscious and makes it easier to enjoy the food again.

What does a glass of water with apple vinegar do?

The intake of the cider vinegar can be chosen at will. There is a variety of recipes, some more elaborate and some not. Those who decide for the simple variant simply drink a glass with lukewarm water and some apple cider vinegar in it. Those who have the routine in it can notice many positive effects. On the one hand, weight loss, but also a healthy immune system, a clean gut and an improvement in the appearance of the skin.

How much cider vinegar may one drink?

The optimal dosage is 3 water glasses with one teaspoon each spread over the day. Of course you can also divide the dosage differently.

Cider vinegar diet – videos about experiences & recipe ideas for beginners

On the subject of losing weight with apple cider vinegar, there are countless videos on the Internet that help you find the right balance between diet, exercise and taking the vinegar. Many film themselves as a self-experiment and take one with them on their way while dieting. So if you decide on the cider vinegar diet you will find a lot of content and can motivate yourself with inspiring videos.

Apple cider vinegar shots instead of tequila shots – 30 days test

According to the motto: If you can drink tequila shots, you can also drink healthy shots for your health, the Youtuberin Chris Citalan conducted a self-experiment. For 30 days she followed the cider vinegar diet and drank a shot of cider vinegar every day. In the video she explains how she felt after a few days and which results she could observe after a whole month.

Make your own drinks to lose weight – Perfect for apple vinegar

If you don’t dare to drink cider vinegar pure, or simply don’t want to do so, you can conjure up a multitude of small and simple recipes with this miracle cure. In this video you will find 3 recipe ideas that prove that drinking vinegar can be delicious.