Facial shaving: routine, preparation & important tips

Shave your face – For your makeup to look gorgeous, it’s super important that your foundation sits perfectly on your skin. When your face is clean-shaven, your foundation will look so much smoother and more natural because it will absorb better into your skin. If you want to know how to get clean-shaven, smooth skin like a model and what to look out for when shaving your face, check out our article.

Facial shaving routine for clear skin

In this video you can watch how to shave your face with a facial razor to get smooth and clean skin. Because in order for your facial cleanser, your creams and your scrubs to best penetrate your skin, it’s important to shave the fine hairs on your face.

  • First step: cleanse skin with facial cleanser and toner
  • Second step: face with steam bath and apply nourishing facial oil.
  • Third step: Carefully begin to shave the face from top to bottom.
  • Fourth step: Apply soothing toner and facial spray to irritated skin.

Common shaving mistakes

Of course, shaving your face is a tricky business, so conscientious preparation is key to avoiding cuts and irritated skin. Here you will find the best tips to achieve the perfect shaving result:

  • It is important to shave your face only with a special facial razor, not with normal razors.
  • With the right care & application, this method is painless and not so irritating to the skin.
  • Do not use chemical peels 72 hours before shaving
  • Never shave your face when it is on fire or you are suffering from acute acne.
  • Use a micellar water and a face cream after shaving

Skincare Tips: Facial Cleansing, Facial Care Routine & More

You want to know with which products you can optimally care for your face after shaving? Then take a look at our tips on the subject of facial cleansing and facial care routine to find the right care for your skin.

Tips for cleaning the face

You want to fight your blemished and dry skin? We have put together the best tips for you.

Facial Care Routine

Need inspiration for a complete face care routine? Then check out this article.

Hand Care:

Your face has been provided with the right care and now you want to take care of your rough hands? Then you’ll find the right hand care here.