Foot care: creams, pedicure, tips, products, home remedies & massage

Foot care – Baby soft feet need a lot of care. How you can quickly and with as little care as possible help your feet to regular beauty, we show you here. We also give you tips on foot care in general, pedicure and foot massage as well as recommendations on foot products and natural home remedies.

Foot care tips: Cracked heels & helpful tips

The care of the feet is always important. Not only in summer. Especially the pedicure is often neglected in sandal-free months. But how do you treat your feet right? One thing is clear: every day we put our feet under a lot of strain, whether it’s wearing shoes that are too small, walking too long distances or waiting in long queues. Luckily, all it takes to keep our feet looking their best wherever we go is a little foot care. Here are the most useful foot care tips to keep your feet and toenails looking gorgeous.

Pedicure: DIY Pedicure & DIY Foot Scrub

One thing is clear: everyone wants beautifully groomed feet. Not only in summer are well-groomed feet the be-all and end-all, but all year round! For the perfect pedicure you don’t even have to go to the beauty salon. You can easily do it at home. Finally, here’s a cool DIY scrub for your feet. Let’s get started with your pedicure!

Foot products: Baby Soft Feet & Top Creams

Good to (m) foot – You want baby soft feet? You’ll find the right way in this article. There we show you how to get fast & easy well-groomed feet. We also present our top 3 creams for the feet.

Home remedy: Remove corns & calluses

For the ultimate liberated barefoot feeling. Foot care should not be neglected. Taking care of your feet doesn’t just involve cutting or even painting your toenails, but also removing corns, blisters and calluses. With these simple tricks you can make your feet look beautiful and well-groomed in no time.

Foot massage: tips & massage techniques

Feet need a lot of attention! Did you know that our feet are the most used part of our body? A few quiet minutes, a little cream or massage oil, and a few relaxing strokes – the feel-good ritual is perfect. In this article, we’ll show you how to pamper your loved ones with a foot massage, but also how to do something good for your feet.

More Beauty Tips! CM Beauty Guide

Besides foot care, as a model you have to pay attention to other parts of the body. Hair care, facial care, skin care, hand care and abdominal care must not be neglected either. You should also take care of your legs and nails. The complete beauty package involves a lot of grooming. We make it easy for you with our care guide and summarize all the important information about beauty in a nutshell.

Skin care: diet, blemishes & skin type

There are a few things you should know about general skin care if you want to have healthy, soft and long-lasting young skin. General tips on skin care, hair removal, self-tanner application and nutrition can be found here. But also with tricks against skin blemishes, which will be a quick help to you, you will be supplied by us.

XXL Beauty Guide: Hair care, facial care and more

Tips and tricks for care from head to toe! Here you can find our XXL care guide.