How to become a Model in Milan

You want to run Milans runways and maybe turn modelling into a full-time job or even a career. CM Models is the Modeling Agency which connects models, with diffrent magazines, advertising agencies, designers all over the world. We handle the adminstartive burden and ensure that the jobs run seamlessly. If you want to become a Model in Milan, you have to have the right Mesurements. Especially in Milan the modelling conditions are very strict when in comes to height and measurements.

Women: 177-181 cm
Breast: 80-90 cm
Waist: 55-60 cm
Hips: 85-90 cm

Men: 186-190cm
Slim to athletic figure

If you are ready to become a model in Milan, apply now!

Milan is one of the biggest model markets in Europe. Big brands and fashion shows take place in Milan. We have a little guide to help you understand what it takes to become a model in one of the biggest markets in the modeling industry in Europe.

Competition! Advantages and Disadvantages for Models in London

Advantages of a Big Markets like London:

  1. Exposure

    You simply will not receive the same degree of exposure to other prospective future employers in a small market. Generally, smaller markets only offer commercial modeling opportunities. If you want to make a name for yourself, your only real OPTION is to work in a big market.

  2. Opportunity
    This one is fairly intuitive. A larger market has a larger demand for the same services. Working in a big market will simply provide more job opportunities in gross. The sheer number of advertising, editorial, and other marketing or content producing agencies in a big market create a larger demand for models.
  3. Money
    This follows the previous two. Now, keep in mind, there are plenty of low-paying modeling gigs at every level and market. However, with so much demand and wider-reaching platforms, big markets are likely to have the biggest compensating jobs available.

Disadvantages of a Big Market:

  1. Competition

    Not only will you have to compete for the same jobs with more people, many of them will have traveled to big markets for the same reason as you—better modeling gigs. This means that not only is the number of competition inflated, the QUALITY of the competition is also tougher as well.

  2. Scams
    In smaller markets, where there are fewer opportunities for models to find work, there are subsequently fewer scams. Moreover, once an organization is discovered to be a scam, it is far harder to hide that fact in a small market. Unfortunately, with so many opportunities abound, it is easier for scammers to hide amongst the bustle and target naïve or new potential models.
  3. Criteria
    With a glut of potential models, employers in big markets are able to have their “pick of the litter,” so to speak. This means that the standards for potential models become inflated with the inclusion of more competition. Thus, someone who may be a great candidate for modeling in a small market may not find the same opportunity in a bigger one.

If you want to know more about becoming a model check out our blog > Modeling – Become a Model and Steps to becoming a Model in Big Markets.

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