Retouch and Photography (Fashion / Advertising) – Internship / Trainee

Are you looking for professional retouching and photography training? We offer for our agency a high-quality education from a small introductory internship to a 6-month long internship. You will learn the art of natural post-processing directly from our Creative Art Director. Naturalness is the alpha and omega, the less one sees the post-processing, the higher the quality of the material for the customer but also for the end user. You make sure that the perfect results are achieved during a shoot and that these are perfected in post-production – for online shops, lookbooks, billboards, image and campaigns.

As retoucher / in (fashion and advertising photography), you are responsible for image correction and editing for models, sedcards, advertisers and editorial jobs (magazines and co.). In addition, you must have both an artistic eye for “presets” and color treatments as well as a ‘commercial’ eye for the customer. At the end of the 6-month internship you will be able to take the position of Junior Art Director. You want to learn to photograph yourself? Send us your application.

Official IHK training company

Go back to Modeling Agency: Jobs

Application for retouching / image editing / photography only possible for Cologne location!

We are looking for interns and apprentices who want to be fully immersed in the world of media, models and advertising! At CM, you’ll see all the sections and get to know all aspects of a model and media agency. You’ll get deep insight into office and administration, plus media skills: Modern Online Marketing, Social Media and influencer marketing , PR and more. Apply now in our modeling agency!

What you do in the internship / apprenticeship. learn:

  • Handling Software for Image Editing and Post-Processing
  • Managing Test Shoots for Models
  • Media and Project Management
  • Planning, organization, phone calls, e-mail traffic, Excel spreadsheets
  • Contact for Models and Team

What you should bring to Prerequisites:

  • Commitment and self-reliance
  • Good knowledge of English
  • Good spelling and expressions
  • Communication skills, independent and structured work, a sense of responsibility
  • Computer Basics
  • Ideally, fast typing or 10-finger writing (for emails, content, etc)

Retouch + Assistance tasks

  • Retouching and image editing
  • Assistant to the Creative Art Director
  • Editorial Preparation and Planning
  • Accompanying photo shoots
  • Imparting models to first-class photographers for our model tests

Working Hours and Agency during Training:

  • Mon – Thu from 9am to 6pm incl. 1h lunch
  • Fri 9-15 pm
  • Cologne, City (Rooftop) on 220sqm and two floors
  • We invest a lot of time in your education
  • Young, ambitious team
  • Owner-operated

Internship for 3 and 6 months:

  • Compensation for 3 months: 200,00 Euro per month
  • Compensation for 6 months: 300.00 Euros per month
  • Excl. Social security contributions, health insurance
  • Takeover: In education / permanent employment possible (with sufficient previous knowledge)

Vocational training as a merchant and merchant

  • Your degree: Business Administration or Dialogue Marketing
  • Specializing in Digital Marketing / Model & Artist Management
  • Remuneration: 600.00 Euros per month in the 1st year of apprenticeship, increasing according to motivation
  • Excl. Social security contributions, health insurance
  • Takeover: In permanent position possible


Please send us a cover letter + CV as PDF. We do not require certificates or degrees.

  1. Enter contact information
  2. Cover Letter + Upload CV
  3. Submit


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    Retouch: From the shoot to the photo of the customer

    Preparing for Photo Shoots and Customer Projects: The Team

    The first step in any campaign or project is to prepare for the photo shoot. Such a preparation and organization is quite demanding, because it’s about having the right people in the team. Stylist, make-up artist, models, assistant, really much planning! So if you do not just want to focus on retouching, but also a little bit about photography and project management, then you’ve come to the right place! Because what was not considered in production, is difficult to save in the post. By coordinating a good photo team, you already have half the battle.

    Photo Studio to Customer Meeting: Planning

    In addition to the team, it is also about the organization of a photo studio. Photo studios have very different properties. One is the different lighting conditions. Is there enough daylight or is the hall completely darkened, is there sufficient equipment in the required quality and what is the final price of the studio? Customers plan with a fixed budget, so it’s up to you to get the most out of your costs. If you’ve planned the entire team of make-up artists, stylists, models and so far but have also found the right photo studio, you’re ready to go. Our Creative Art Director will show you what a shooting schedule looks like and what are the key points to consider when preparing for a shoot.

    At the end of a planning is still the final agreement with the customer, here everything is approved. All ideas, concepts and dates as well as the location are discussed. If everything is then approved, it can go into the final planning. All team members receive a written confirmation, the photo studio or the location are firmly booked. The stylist or stylist now looks after the matching outfits and accessories. Done! At least step 1 of 3.

    Photoshooting: The Production Day

    As already mentioned, Retouch and photography are all about the fact that already the basics (photos) are outstanding. This includes a professional and experienced photographer as well as a well-equipped studio or the right equipment for indoor (studio) or outdoor production. In the morning all team members gather, the booked make-up artist starts working on the model and the photographer prepares the studio and the lighting with his assistants. Next, the model gets the clothes of stylists, the customer inspects everything locally. If another product comes into play, it is the last step, the set is now ready and it can be photographed.

    Every 15 to 20 minutes the outfit is changed, eg. at an online shop shoot. In a lookbook shoot, z.b. for image recordings, you have a lot more time for each individual piece. At the end you have one or two memory cards filled with hundreds of photos and possibly even additional video recordings.

    Viewing and selecting the photos for the customer: recommendation

    After the shooting, the material is viewed and evaluated. All photos that get a good rating from the photographer or the assistant will be short-listed. A final final look selects the photos that will be sent to customers for selection. From the customer then comes on the same day or a little later the selection. These final photos, 5 to 30 shots will be edited. Here begins the work in retouching.

    High quality photo editing and retouching

    Naturalness in photos is a prerequisite for high-quality work and quality. The less post-processing in the final results is recognizable, the more qualitative one has worked. Our agency is all about quality. Quality sets us apart from the work of many others and makes our customers satisfied and happy (the highest good). The fact that more people talk about their brand or increase the sales volume in the inner cities or in the online shop. When retouching you work mainly on the computer. For two, three or four hours you are engrossed in the editing of photos.

    Retouching is not just about skin, but also about beauty photography, especially with regard to online shops, it’s all about clean floors and backgrounds. Small dirt caused by shoes or abrasion must be removed. Everything has to be right, colors, light parameters and configurations. You will get to know all this know-how during our internship. The longer you are there, the more you learn to enter into matter.

    How does an internship take place in retouching (image processing)?

    Depending on whether you are here for three or six months – you will get a deep insight in any case! During the three-month internship for retouching and photography, our main focus is on learning something from all areas and on how professional photographers work for advertising and fashion. If you complete a six-month internship, you will receive your own projects and in-depth training in the organization as well as professional practice in the various software programs that are used today in an agency for photography and videography!

    Vocational training in Retouch?

    If you want to have a professional and well-founded education, then we recommend a vocational training as a clerk or a businessman for office management or dialogue marketing with a focus on photography, work and project management.

    In the special field of image post-processing, there is no own vocational training. We offer you then a vocational training as a merchant or businesswoman for office management or dialogue marketing with a focus on photography, art buying and project management. In the three-year training you get very deep insights into the world of photography, marketing and advertising. A very interesting mix for your future career. The training also includes extensive training in the field of commercial skills, from customer management to administration and accounting. With this you will get to know all the important aspects, from the practical photo shoot to travel planning, project management and handling.

    Official IHK training company

    Go back to Modeling Agency: Jobs

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