Model Michael Sudahl

Ein ganzer Kerl – Michael Sudahl, seit 2015 bei uns im Model-Portfolio, ist ein sehr spezieller Typ, zur heutigen Zeit sehr gefragt. Sein voller Bart, sein durchdringender Blick: Nicht nur die Frauenwelt fliegt auf ihn. Er liebt die Herausforderung und arbeitet auf hohem Niveau. Neben seiner Karriere als Bänker widmet sich Michael der Karriere als Männer-Model. In unserem Interview mit ihm, erfahrt ihr mehr über seine Einstellung, Erfahrungen und sein Selbstbild.

Check out Michael’s model sedcard here or all of our male models.

Michael: The Archaic Male Model

CM: What appeals to you about the modeling business?

Michael: I like the challenge of finding out within a few moments on set what the intentions of the photographer and the client are. And then to do a cool job with both. Without losing my identity in the process. It’s always a dance.

CM: You already have experience as a model, what is your tip to get a job?

Michael: To get a job, you have to be extremely flexible. Be available at short notice and have a professional attitude. A strong portfolio certainly helps too.

CM: What is your personal fashion tip?

Michael: Do I look like fashion? It’s more about having your own style.

CM: What is special about you or how do you stand out among other models?

Michael: I think my look is special. Archaic. If you’re looking for that, you’ll find me. Anyone who has worked with me knows that I am a consummate professional. With experience in many fields. From fashion shows to mechanical engineering.

CM: What was your best experience as a model so far?

Michael: Beautiful is perhaps the wrong word. I find the jobs exciting. Always meeting new people, looking forward to new locations and finally delivering a convincing result. That’s cool. Oh yes, on a video shoot for a car manufacturer I played a sailor, I was sprinkled. That was cool. And for a brewery I was allowed to drink while showering, that was extremely refreshing.

CM: Thank you for the interview dear Michael.

Model Sedcard Michael S.

All pictures of Michael can be found here:

Modele-Sedcard Michael

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